Rock the Red Seal Cosmetology Exam 2024 – Style Your Future with Confidence!

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The size of the perm rod determines what aspect of a curl?




Size of curl

The size of the perm rod determines the final look and shape of the curl. A larger perm rod will result in a looser, more voluminous curl, while a smaller perm rod will create a tighter and more defined curl. Option A, elasticity, refers to how much the hair can stretch before it breaks, and is not affected by the size of the perm rod. Option B, texture, refers to the natural pattern or shape of the hair strands, which can range from straight to curly to coily regardless of the size of the perm rod. Option C, strength, is a measure of how much force can be applied to the hair without causing damage, and is not influenced by the size of the perm rod. Therefore, the best answer is D as the size of the perm rod directly affects the size of the curl.


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